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24 Sep 2024 home : about : create : digests : bestofs : specials : priests 12:32:10 GMT

Internet Oracularity #1406-09    (25da6 dist, 3.4 mean)
Selected-By: Ian Davis

The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oracle most helpful, wise, and healthful, I'm trying to follow a
> recipe here, and I have an ingredient question.
> Baked Pasta Surprise
>   5 tablespoons butter
>   1 large onion, chopped
>   2 10-ounce packages frozen corn, thawed
>   1 cup whipping cream
>   1 pound large elbow macaroni
>   1 shovelful coarsely crushed glass
>   1/3 pound thinly sliced country ham or prosciutto, coarsely chopped
>   2 1/2 cups grated sharp white cheddar cheese (about 9 ounces)
>   Preheat oven to 350F.
>   Melt 3 tablespoons butter in large heavy skillet over medium heat.
>   Add chopped onion and saute until slightly softened, about 4
>   minutes. Add corn and saute until vegetables are tender, about 4
>   minutes.
>   Prepare macaroni as package describes and then drain well. Put in an
>   deep oven-safe baking dish. Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter and
>   stir to coat. Add whipping cream and chopped ham to vegetable
>   mixture in skillet and bring to boil. Pour over macaroni. Add grated
>   cheese and glass and mix well. Season macaroni to taste with salt
>   and pepper. Bake until cheese starts to brown, about 25 minutes.
>   Cool 5 minutes before serving.
> I've got a shovelful of broken auto safety glass that I found by the
> side of the road. Will that do?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I'm utterly appalled. You're not seriously proposing you add to your
} recipe something you found on the side of the road? It's a fundamental
} rule of cooking that you use fresh ingredients. And none of this
} inferior safety glass rubbish; if you want this dish to be memorable
} use the real stuff, preferably with some nice spiky shards.
} You owe the Oracle a cake.

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