Register to vote on Oracularities
We allow one vote per user on each issue of the Oracularities.
In order to vote on Oracularities using our Web-based voting forms, you must first register
yourself in our database. Here's how it works:
- You first fill out this form with your
email address, a username of your choice, and a password (of course,
don't use a username and password that would give access to your
- To verify that you are registering with a valid email address,
we will send you a confirmation code.
- You can then fill out this other form,
with your username and confirmation code.
That's all there is to it!
About the information you provide: We record your email address when
you register and keep track of when you have voted. This information is
collected solely for the purpose of enforcing a one-vote per user system.
It will never be given out to anyone else, but I may periodically examine
the records to identify bugs and loopholes in the system, or to compile
server statistics.
If you encounter any problems with registration, please send email
to the address below.